Jonathan Frigeri

Margarethe Radio Box

A music box is an automatic musical instrument, inside a box, that produces sounds.
Margarethe Radio Box is a human musical instrument, inside a human scale box, that produces sounds.

  • Mrb21
  • Mrb1

Margarethe Radio Box have been set in music by Jonathan Frigeri, Daniel Kemeny, Rico Schalueck
with contribution from Astro Pietra, Cabinet de logique, Jay Pennington and many others…. Link to video

Margarethe Radio Box have been builth in Berlin and a copy of the MRB in miniature scale was in Bologna at Interno 4. The miniature box in Bologna recived the radio streaming from the box in Berlin.

Location: Picnic Berlin
Authors: Jonathan Frigeri, Daniel Kemeny, Rico Schaluck
Tag: #Music Box #Radio #Performance

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