Jonathan Frigeri

Music Hole

The music we usually compose has more often than not been solely based on the traditional narrative structure of beginning middle and end, the notion that the performance is going to be heard in exactly the order in which it was composed. In Music Hole the linearity is replaced with interactivity. Meaning that as a listener you can chose the order, the form or even influence the structure of the music.

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Music Hole is a virtual space composed of desertic space and islands of totemic music. As a player you have to find your way. You can meet and speech with others user or you can be alone. You have free zone where you can walk and try to find area of interest where totem are installed.

Different totems are present in the space. Autonomous musicals totems and interactive musical totems. The autonomous totems are subjected to a contemplation attitude instead the interactive totems are playable by one or more user at the time. You can move part of the totem to define the volume of each part of the musical composition as a musical conductor.


Music hole is subjected to update and magnification. It could be a musical instrument, a radio station, a music box or a meeting place.

Location: WWW
Event: Outcome Residence
Date: January 2014
Authors: Jonathan Frigeri & Boris Ramonguilhem
Software: Meshmoon
Tag: #Virtual Space #Totem Music #Interactive Listening